Building collaborative professionalism [audiovisual]
Document Type
Conference / Class
In this second seminar of a series of two, Professor Hargreaves, one of the most worldwide renowned experts in education, talks about how we can build collaborative professionalism, with the collaboration of a panel of Catalan educators from different backgrounds and expertises, all of them members of the Aprendre a l’Escola que Aprèn workgroup. Hargreaves’ books Professional Capital and Collaborative Professionalism are considered capital works in the field of teacher collaboration and organization.
Professor Hargreaves begins with a review of the importance of engaging educators, because without this adult engagement, it is impossible to engage students. Then he explains the concepts of human capital, decision-making capital and professional development, and how they can apply to teaching and learning organizations. Hargreaves emphasizes the idea of investing in creating groups of teachers who work together, sharing knowledge and improving each other.
Efficient collaboration is not spontaneous, it needs to be developed purposefully, with solidarity and solidity (concepts that are explained by the professor in this webinar) Professor Hargreaves also discusses with the public and panelists the importance of creating a nurturing work atmosphere that both retains good educators in schools and propiciates the sharing of ideas. He finishes by talking with the panel about how good meetings should be organized and conducted and about some of the principles we should follow to create and maintain a good, healthy and collaborative organization.
Building collaborative professionalism [audiovisual]. Andy Hargreaves, ponent; Begonya Folch, Mireia Xortó, moderadores. Elaboració: Servei d'Èxit Educatiu i Noves Oportunitats. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Educació, 2021.
Departament d'Educació
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1 enregistrament de vídeo (2 h 21 m 31 s)
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